A growing family doesn’t have to blow the budget

If you’re thinking of expanding your family, be sure to keep on top of things financially. Having a family usually comes not just with extra expenses but also a drop in income as one or both of you take time off work. Raising children and growing your family can be one of life’s greatest joys. […]

Should you own the roof over your head?

When it comes to the rent-versus-buy debate, like many of our clients you may be weighing up the pros and cons. You might be thinking that you’d love to buy a house but it all seems out of reach right now. Are you asking whether it’s still a good idea to invest in property at […]

Government pulls back on proposed changes to super

The government has announced changes to three key 2016 Federal Budget proposals—the most significant being that it would not go forward with its proposal to introduce a $500,000 lifetime cap on non-concessional (after-tax) super contributions. In a nutshell the new proposals include: From 1 July 2017, the existing annual cap of $180,000 on after-tax super […]

Seven reasons for optimism on the Australian economy

Key points – The mostly gloomy debate around the Australian economy often gives the impression we are in a constant state of crisis. – But economic growth is pretty good, the economy has rebalanced without the (“inevitable”) recession, the worst of the mining bust looks to be behind us, public infrastructure spending is ramping up, […]

Government support in retirement

What is the Age Pension? The purpose of the Age Pension is to make sure you have enough income in retirement. It is a fortnightly payment made by the government to help you meet the cost of living, if your retirement savings are below a certain level. To be eligible for the Age Pension, you […]


Megatrends Key points – Key megatrends relevant for investors are: slower growth in household debt; the backlash against economic rationalism & rise of populism; geopolitical tensions; aging and slowing populations; low commodity prices; technological innovation & automation; the Asian ascendancy & China’s growing middle class; rising environmental awareness; and the energy revolution. – Most of […]

Distributing your assets

What is estate planning? Estate planning is about wealth succession – a way to help protect the wealth you have built over your lifetime, so that it is distributed according to your wishes following your death. You spend a large part of your life working to earn money to look after yourself, to provide for […]

Protecting your wealth

What is insurance? Insurance is a form of protection – a way to protect yourself, your family and the things you own if something goes wrong. It enables you to replace or repair your assets, whether those assets are your belongings or your capacity to earn income. Everybody’s circumstances are different, but insurance is important […]

Growing your wealth

What is gearing? In simple terms, gearing is borrowing money to invest. The investment could be in direct shares or managed investments, such as an equity trust, balanced fund or property. Gearing is, in essence, directed towards producing a larger investment return by using borrowed funds, often in addition to your own funds, so that […]

Investing in your future

What is superannuation? Superannuation, or ‘super’, is a way to save money for your future. It is important to understand how much super you’ll need, and how to best manage the money for your retirement. Through super, you can hold a wide range of investments such as shares, property and cash. Superannuation is attractive because […]